L i s a K a n D e
s i g n s
The Spring 2006 issue of Beadwork's Stringing Magazine contains several projects using my glass beads. I hope writing these projects will provide you some food for thought on the possibilities of incorporating art glass into your finished pieces. I am honored and thank Jamie Hogsett for selecting River's Edge (page 65) to be part of the cover art. You will find the following projects Haiku (page 22), Berrylicious (page 28), and Painted Desert (page 36) amongst the projects featured in this issue. Additionally, there are also a number of my earring designs and bracelet creations in the gallery pages. As a free web exclusive project, the Serenity Blossoms (page 90) necklace was chosen as one of 10 projects featured on the Stringing website.
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